Exam 77-425 Microsoft Word 2013 Expert  
1.0 Manage and Share Documents
1.2 Prepare Documents for Review: Delete Document Draft Version(s)

Version Control

Version Control: Say you lost power while you were working on a document and your document  closed before you had a chance to save it. (tears)


Fortunately, Word keeps a temporary copy of everything you worked on.

One Last Try: Manage the Versions
Go to File->Info-> Versions.

What Do You See?
Word keeps track of the different versions. When you open a file, you can see if this is the latest--and greatest--version.

You can go to Manage Versions and Recover Unsaved Files. You can also Browse Unsaved Documents and delete these Draft Versions for addtional privacy on sensitive documents.

OK. You done good. You earned two cookies.

File-> Info ->Versions
